Sunday, June 10, 2012

Gunning for the American workers unions

These days American worker unions are increasingly becoming unpopular with politicians. Romney was saying how these unions make the costs of making a car increase by 2000 dollars for each car. Seriously, 2000 dollars is not the reason why Americans will not buy a car. They buy foreign cars because the quality is way better.  Now can America compete in the auto industry given the record of being behind European and Japanese car makers for so long?  Yes, with technology.  Smart cars and other gadgets can take American car industry to another level.  Paying the American worker all the perks he asks for is not the problem here.

Now American workers unions have affected the manufacturing industry negatively,  because they wanted to protect their jobs and were against automation and new technologies. The problem with that is that they could not compete with other skilled workers in other parts of the world, and instead of losing their jobs, lost interest in their jobs. So many of these jobs are now done by illegal Mexican workers.

Labor is getting scarce across the globe. Having access to unlimited labor who are willing to work hard is one of the biggest assets to any country in the world.

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