Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Asylum for Assange

Julian Assange has applied to Ecuador for asylum. Ecuador is a small country and cannot afford bombardment (like Afghanistan) from the big countries.  China is where he should apply. China could a decent thing and give Assange asylum.  It will be  just returning  favors to all the countries who gave China's political opponents asylum time and again. Cuba is another choice for him. I guess Castro still has a bit of fight left in him.

I for one want the likes of Assange free and happening. Its not just about anti-US documents. Its about many other issues he could successfully tackle. Assange is quite a defense tool and must be treated with the at most respect.

What the US must do is to look at the leaked documents and fix their behavior if flawed instead of targeting Assange. Investigative journalism is not a crime and people are grateful for it.  US is forgetting basic decency. So many incriminating documents by Wikileaks and there is no mention by US leaders about what they will do about it. They see no need to answer public concerns. Instead they go after the man who is bringing some truths to light. This is a shameful era in American history or perhaps in human history.

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