Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Will Mumbai remain the city of dreams?

Mumbai in the past few decades have regressed compared to other cities.  Employment opportunities have dwindled. Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Delhi became the places  for software jobs. No big software companies came to stay in Mumbai. A lot of textile industries have moved out. Other industries prefer Gujarat. Fashion and Bollywood still remains in Mumbai but for how long?

One of these days Maharashtrians will have to move out of Maharashtra in large numbers and face regionalism.  The jobs in Mumbai were created from people across the country and not by Marathi speaking people alone. When these peope are gone the jobs will too. Mumbai was the origin of regionalism in India after independence. Since damage control was not done the disease has spread across the country.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

France and liberty

France is way ahead of America in terms of acceptance of what the first family can be.  Americans want a first family that is classical. This mandatory  image requirement is what feeds trials like Edwards. A lot of gossip and waste of tax money.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Persian trade and India

Hillary Clinton tries to influence India and Persia trade. India and Persia has traded for centuries and this trade is based on robust history of trust. On the other hand US with its sanctions and habit of keeping money of countries they become unfriendly with over trivial reasons is a dangerous partner.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Ron Paul makes a splash

Among the current candidates for 2012 elections, Ron Paul is the only man who calls a spade a spade. Plus also maintains  a sense of old  school decency and common sense. Ron Paul is emerging as a strong candidate for the high seat in my opinion.  

Changing political scenario

Sarkozy is on his way out. People are voting for change. Most of the times the alternative is not good enough to make a change. But sometimes, we need to bring in change just so that a good guy out there has a chance when he stands for election. May be not this time but the next. Plus to send a message to lousy leaders that just because there are no good choices does not mean that you will stay put.

When I vote I will ask - did my life get any better under this leader? I will also ask - will the next leader make my life better?  If the answer is still no, the first leader goes out anyways. Yes, Mr. Obama, even America will vote for change this time.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Political Asylum for Chen

Chen must study says China.  Need he return to home country after completing his studies like the F1-visa holders are supposed to do?  The whole thing is a joke. Can US provide political asylum to Chen? If so what happens? What will China do? If US refuses asylum what happens? Where does Chen go? Chen may prefer to study under the circumstances.  Study English in the US, Chen. Such a great idea.

Clearly political asylum should be dealt with separately.  Either US refuses or gives Mr Chen asylum. But to decide how political asylum should be given by another country is taking it a little too far.  In History, not everyone who has applied for asylum has got one. If you take up a fight, you must take it to the finish yourself. Consequences of public life.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Edwards and his affairs

One thought family was off limits in American politics. But Edwards did not make this bargain it seems. His wife is now dead, why drag his children through murk?  It is all so distasteful. Off late American politicians sex life makes more news than policies.

Human rights in this era

Who now can give asylum to the Chinese human right activist?  He is forced to stay in China. That is the fate of human rights activists in general fighting powerful countries.  Where can a human rights activist from America go?  New Zealand, Canada, and Australia may be a choice for our Chinese man. Europe and America has too much vested interests to get in to a direct conflict with China. India and Africa not strong enough. People like Gaddafi who liked a good fight is no more. Cuba may be a choice if Fidel Castro takes an interest.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Domestic violence in Indian homes on foreign shores

A big reason for the domestic violence we witness in immigrant homes in the US is the H4 visa which make adult women dependent on a strange man like a child. H4 visas are evil.  One wonders why a group of people who are supposed to be there for each other turn murderous but do not think of leaving or other options.   

Human rights and a blind man

China and US will meet but will  act blind to an escaped activist. Both the countries violate human rights time and again one more than the other. Who has the right really to point fingers?